英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 16:09:32

at the sight of

英 [æt ðə sait ɔv]

美 [æt ði saɪt ʌv]

当看到 ... 时; 一见 ... 就
  • 网络解释

1. 一看见......就:at the same time同时;然而,不过 | at the sight of一看见......就 | back and forth(前后)来回地,反复地


2. 一见到:at liberty 有權,隨意 | at the sight of 一見到 | at the point of 接近,靠近

3. at the sight of

3. 看见:at the same time 与此同时 | at the sight of 看见 | at the mercy of 由...支配

4. at the sight of在线翻译

4. 一看见:pin sth to..把...固定在.. | at the sight of一看见 | catch sight of 一看见

He flinched at the sight of the blood.(他一见到血就往后退。)
At the sight of the police officers, they ran off.(一看见那些警官,他们便逃跑了。)
She cowered at the sight of a snake.(她见到蛇就退缩不前。)
He stood aghast at the sight of so much blood.(他看见这么多血,吓得目瞪口呆。)
She loathed at the sight of greasy food.(她一看到油腻的食物就恶心。)
He blanched at the sight of the mutilated corpse.(他看见那具残缺不全的尸体吓得脸色煞白。)
Some of the fans swooned at the sight of their beloved stars.(一看到他们所钟爱的明星,有几个狂热的追星族便晕了过去。)
I have been known to faint at the sight of blood.(大家都知道,我看到血就会昏倒。)
At the sight of all these good things, the Marionette felt much better.(木偶看到这些好东西,觉得好多了。)
The crow ruffled its black feathers at the sight of the fox.(乌鸦看见狐狸吓得把黑羽毛竖立起来。)
at the sight of是什么意思 at the sight of在线翻译 at the sight of什么意思 at the sight of的意思 at the sight of的翻译 at the sight of的解释 at the sight of的发音 at the sight of的同义词